Join us in welcoming the best German chocolate producers and chocolate manufactures
Chocolate from Germany
Here you'll find German chocolatiers of the highest quality!Germany is one of the countries with the highest per capita consumption of chocolate. So it's no wonder that there are several first-class chocolatiers in our homeland as well. Even though the cacao plant is not native to Germany, our German chocolatiers and chocolate manufacturers produce first-class chocolates, pralines and drinking chocolates Bean-To-Bar Chocolate, chocolates and drinking chocolates. Immerse yourself in the world of the best German chocolate manufacturers, our experts in fine chocolates and fine chocolates.
German Chocolate & Praline Makers
Becks Cocoa
Drinking chocolate at its best
As with coffee, drinking chocolate lives from the quality and character of the bean. 19 unique cocoa varieties are a statement of how diverse cocoa beans can be. The drinking chocolate from Becks Cocoa is made from 100% fine cocoa and flavoured with fine spices and herbs. Exquisite drinking chocolate made from cocoa beans in organic quality, composed with beetroot, lavender or chilli and a variety of other flavours. Whether from West Africa, Peru or Tanzania -, all fine cocoas come from fair trade.
Das Bernsteinzimmer
Vegan & award-winning - chocolates from Wuppertal
In autumn 2015, "Das Bernsteinzimmer - Raum für Genuss" opened its doors in Wuppertal. A truly unusual name for an excellent chocolate maker, whose origin comes from an amber ring worn by the boss and chocolate virtuoso Solvejg.
Confectionary boxes, a potpourri of individual varieties as well as hand-poured bars are the speciality of the family business. Maple-Pecan, Noble Nougat-Arriba and Matcha-Cashew are just three of the award-winning creations in the all-vegetable confectionery selection. The pralines of the indulgence manufactory can also be 'seen' with awards from the International Chocolate Awards. Das Bernsteinzimmer is certified organic. Sustainability and fair trade are a foundation of the company's philosophy.
Clement Chococult
Award-winning pralines & chocolates
The long-established family business of master confectioner Franz X. Clement has been known for the consistently high quality of its fresh pralines and chocolates since 1985. From Cayenne Chili 60% Sao Palmé to dark chocolate with beer and Korn with truffle cream, you can choose from 22 different products from the traditional house. We always keep the ever-changing assortment up to date so that you no longer have to miss out on a praline sensation.
Clement Chococult has already won several awards for its constantly reinvented chocolate symphonies of quality and taste.
Chocolate in typical Japanese style
Chocolate sommelier Kevin Lühmann is a confectioner and chocolate tester. With his sights set on the Far East, he runs his chocolate manufactory in Hanover. He already spent some time in Japan during his apprenticeship. Hardly anyone knows the Japanese chocolate market as well as he does, and these inspirations influence his chocolate creations or, as he calls them, his Try, for example, the 3 chocolate tasting set with unique bean-to-bar produced chocolate own creations. Let ingredients such as hojicha, soy bean powder and yuzu shichimi (yuzu and chilli) take you into the world of Japanese chocolates.
Bean-To-Bar Chocolate and unforgettable chocolate creations
In the summer of 1993, Confiserie Coppeneur et Compagnon saw the light of day in the world of chocolate. Oliver Coppeneur & Partners founded the "Manufacture for the Joy of Living" (as Coppeneur likes to call it) in Bad Honnef. Soon after, they created their first praliné creation, which later even won an award. The recipe for success for the promised joie de vivre lies in her passion for handmade fresh pralines as well as bean-to-bar chocolate making. From the cocoa pod to the ready-to-ship chocolate speciality, you get everything from a single source. Curious? You can get a first impression of the taste perfection of our exquisite praline specialities and delicious chocolates right away by ordering the tasting box.
"Bean-to-bar" from the Saarland
Simone Hoffmann and Colombian patissier and chocolatier Juan Alberto Correa have moved to Saarland. Without further ado, Simone's grandfather's old bakery in Saarwellingen was transformed into a chocolate manufactory. Since 2018, they have been making their own bean-to-bar chocolate there. They use only the rare Criollo cocoa from Juan's native Colombia. Still fermented and dried on the farm, the precious cocoa beans are sent to Saarland, where they are processed into chocolate in its flavourful perfection. Several varieties now adorn the range, produced on a firm basis: single origin - bean-to-bar - direct trade.
Dein Kakao
Hot Chocolate in many flavors
Anything else wasn't good enough for me - that was already the case 20 years ago when Michael Beck founded his first cocoa company: BecksCocoa. Since then, he has been tirelessly passionate about creating cocoa blends that stand out above all for their taste and are meant to be remembered.
Dos Estaciones
Bean-To-Bar "Single Farm" cocoa from Chazuta in Peru
Values such as direct trade, fair prices and sustainability are paramount at Dos Estaciones. The ingredients for the exquisite Single Farm chocolate consist of sustainably and organically grown cocoa beans, which are harvested, fermented and dried by hand so that they retain their excellent taste. The finest organic cocoa, imported directly from a farm and passionately processed into a chocolaty taste explosion. But words are less convincing than taste & aroma can be. So try for yourself and browse Dos Estaciones' variety from cocoa nibs to cocoa powder to the classic bean-to-bar chocolate bar.
Melamun Craft Chocolate
Bean-To-Bar Chocolate meets young craftsmanship
Karen Lena Gründler is a master confectioner and has been a chocolate sommelier since 2019 . With her company, she aims to produce in a sustainable, environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner. All packaging is plastic-free and can be disposed of via paper waste.
Melamun, these are small batch, artisan chocolates that focus on the unique flavors of the diverse cocoa beans from Indonesia, Vietnam and India . The chocolates are traditionally ground in a stone mill (stoneground). It made it straight to the Grand Jury Finalists at the International Chocolate Awards .
Meybol Cacao
Exclusive Bean-To-Bar chocolate bars made from Peruvian fine cocoa
More than half of the world's most aromatic cocoas come from Peru. The founder of the highly specialised chocolate manufactory, Meybol Antuanet Estendorfer-Moran, also comes from Peru. There, "Meybol Cacao Germany GmbH" owns a 5-hectare cocoa plantation on which only Porcelana, a variety of pure Criollo cocoa, is cultivated. From this, Meybol produces multi-faceted tree-to-bar chocolates, which are very popular and sought after among connoisseurs. Naturally from natural cultivation and created strictly according to fair trade principles. Convince yourself of the incomparable taste of the highly aromatic cocoa beans.
Andreas Muschler chocolaterie - pâtisserie
Craftsmanship made of chocolate
Since 2014, Andreas Muschler has been creating his chocolate specialities in his own glass chocolaterie in Freising. Before that, the 2nd generation master confectioner had perfected his craftsmanship in Vienna and Paris. His little works of art are made exclusively from fresh, hand-picked and 100 % natural ingredients. The chocolate artist has even dedicated his own invention to his hometown: the Freisinger Ei -, a chocolate egg with the greatest sights of the city of Freising. The master's credo is: "Better make less, but make it good!" Since 2016, Andreas Muschler's praline creations have won several gold awards at the International Chocolate Awards in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as internationally.
Sawade Berlin
Delicious chocolates, truffles and marzipan specialities
Berlin's oldest Pralines manufactory has been conquering the hearts of all chocolate gourmets since 1880. At that time already royal court supplier of Prince George of Prussia and the Grand Duke of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach, the craftsmanship of the confectioners, confectionery masters and confectioners of Sawade Berlin has now proven its constant quality for over 140 years. The artisan traditions and experience have been passed on to future generations. Natural ingredients and the finest raw materials are still used in traditional processes. The Pralines and confections have received numerous gold awards, silver medals and distinctions to date. 25 sweet temptations created with a lot of heart and personality by the traditional company can be ordered from us.
Schell chocolate
Wine and the finest Bean-To-Bar chocolate - a match made in Heaven
Already in the fourth generation, Annette and Eberhard Schell from Gundelsheim in Baden-Württemberg spoil their distinguished customers with superlative chocolate creations. One focus of their creativity is the combination of wines and spirits with high-quality Chocolate. They produce their Chocolate completely themselves, from the bean to the bar. Chocolate, filled with wine, whisky or liqueur - or simply a tablet of Blanche Rose, white Chocolate with rose petals, adorn the list of their delicacies. The single malt whisky truffles - Pralines are a big hit. 24 specialties from the house of Schell - some of which have been voted the best in the world - can now be ordered from us.
Top chocolates - made in Germany
Chocolates, Pralines, Hot Chocolate from Germany
Deutsche Handwerkskunst
Die deutsche Ingenieurs- und Handwerkskunst ist weltbekannt. Denken Sie an ihre Autos und Maschinen. Oder denken Sie an die außergewöhnlichen Vorschriften, das Reinheitsgebot, das die Reinheit der Zutaten für deutsches Bier schützt. Das Reinheitsgebot sorgte nicht nur dafür, dass deutsches Bier von höchster Qualität war, sondern verhinderte auch, dass Mutterkorngift in das Bier gelangte (Mutterkorn ist eine Form der Getreidefäule, die heute für den Tanzwahnsinn des Mittelalters verantwortlich gemacht wird, auch bekannt als Antoniusfeuer), oder andere potentielle Gifte der Maische zugesetzt wurden.
Deutsche Handwerksschokoladenhersteller
Es mag unzusammenhängend erscheinen, aber diese deutsche Leidenschaft für Handwerkskunst mag auch erklären, warum es bisher Im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern nur bemerkenswert wenige Craft Chocolatiers bzw. Bean-To-Bar Schokoladenhersteller in Deutschland gibt. Und noch weniger, die das ganze in Vollzeit betreiben und davon leben können.
Anders als in Deutschland, kennen wir über fünfzig in Großbritannien, noch mehr in Frankreich und über 100 handwerkliche Schokoladenhersteller in Nord-Amerika. Doch in Deutschland ist es gerade etwas mehr als eine Handvoll. Gleichzeitig stellen einige deutsche Konditoren, die sich als 'Konditormeister' oder 'Konditormeisterin' qualifiziert haben, auch ihre eigene Schokolade für ihre Backwaren her.
Und so stellt sich heraus, dass diese Lebensmittel-Vorschriften zum Schutz der deutschen Biertrinker (vor Vergiftungen) es deutschen Schokoladenherstellern indirekt erschwert haben, sich ohne eine Konditorausbildung (oder eine andere Ausbildung im Lebensmittel- oder Getränkebereich) niederzulassen, während sie gleichzeitig deutsche Bäcker ermutigt habt, sich in der Schokoladenherstellung zu versuchen.
Das deutsche Innungswesen und Handwerkssystem heute
Deutschland ist weltweit anerkannt dafür, dass es die berufliche und handwerkliche Ausbildung respektiert und sie als einen beruflichen Weg ansieht, der allen akademischen Qualifikationen gleichgestellt ist. Der Qualifikationsrahmen des deutschen Bildungssystems stellt den Meisterbrief auf die gleiche Stufe wie einen Universitäts-Abschluss. Der Weg zum Meisterbrief führt zunächst über den Lehrling und dann Geselle, die mit einer eigenen Prüfung, der Gesellenprüfung, abgeschlossen wird. Nach bestandener Gesellenprüfung können die Kandidaten eine theoretische und praktische Ausbildung durchlaufen im jeweiligen Handwerk sowie eine betriebswirtschaftliche und rechtliche Hintergründe erlernen und mit einer Prüfung abschließen: die Meisterprüfung. Letzteres kann zwischen 2 und 4 Jahren dauern.
Damit lebensmittelbezogene Berufe in Deutschland zugelassen werden können, verlangt jedes deutsche Bundesland, dass die Unternehmen Mitarbeiter mit bestimmten akademischen und/oder Meisterqualifikationen beschäftigen und/oder von diesen geleitet werden (zusätzlich zu den HAACP- und anderen EU-Lebensmittelsicherheitsvorschriften). Die genaue Art dieser Anforderungen ist in jedem der 16 Bundesländern unterschiedlich. Sie sind jedoch alle sehr streng und umfangreich. In den meisten deutschen Bundesländern fällt die Zulassung von Schokoladenherstellung unter den Meister-Zwang (Konditormeister oder Konditormeisterin). Genau das erklärt aber auch die überschaubare Zahl der deutschen Craft Chocolate oder Bean-To-Bar Schokoladenhersteller.
Die Bandbreite der Hintergründe der weltweiten Craft Chocolate-Hersteller ist hingegend atemberaubend. Wir haben im Vergleich dazu z.B. die britischen Schokoladenhersteller mit einem Hintergrund der von Formel-1-Motorenbau (Duffy Sheardown von Duffy's) bis zu Grafikdesign und PR (Lara + Cam von Bare Bones) reicht, vom Musik-DJ (Pablo von Forever Cacao) bis zum Rundfunk (Phil Land von Land), oder vom Lehrer (Deana von Tosier) bis zur Psychotherapie (Oenone von Cocoa Retreat). Natürlich gibt es auch viele Schokoladenhersteller, die einen kulinarischen Hintergrund haben, z. B. Mike Longman von Chocolarder, Remy Kuijken von Table Chocolate oder Chris Brennan von Pump Street, der als Bäcker (und auch als Software-Ingenieur) arbeitet.
Die Umstellung von früheren Berufen auf handwerkliche Schokolade bedeutet für jeden der sich beruflich damit beschäftigt natürlich eine Menge harter Arbeit und eine steile Lernkurve. Jedoch unterliegen die europäischen und weltweiten Hersteller nicht den Zwängen, Einschränkungen sowie einer Vielzahl praktischer und theoretischer Kurse wie in Deutschland. Das könnte ein Grund dafür sein, warum die Schokoladenszene um Deutschland herum so köstlich sprudelt und dort immer mehr neue Hersteller auftauchen.
Wir sind uns jedoch sicher, dass Schokolade aus Deutschland bald vielfältiger und von mehr Chocolatiers und Bean-To-Bar Herstellern kommen wird.