Unsere Empfehlungen

Die aktuellen Adventskalender 2022 sind da

Chocolate & Pralines discovery box "Découverte" Chocolate & Pralines discovery box "Découverte"
Content 0.38 kg (€172.63 * / 1 kg)
€65.60 *
15 chocolates from Grands Crus chocolates - in beautiful gift box 15 chocolates from Grands Crus chocolates - in beautiful gift box
Content 0.15 kg (€235.33 * / 1 kg)
€35.30 *

The world's best chocolate on one website.

You will find chocolates from the best chocolatiers in the world at CHOCOLATS-DE-LUXE, the first address for gourmets and connoisseurs, with probably Europe's largest online retailer for the finest chocolates and pralines. Here you will find well over 1,000 excellent and award-winning chocolates clearly arranged in categories. Use the navigation or the chocolate finder with extensive filter options to find your new favourite chocolates.



Mangaro 71%

Chocolate from Madagascar

Michel Cluizel's Chocolat de Plantation Mangaro Noir 71% cocoa has a unique flavor profile, a combination of exotic fruits, spice bread and tart citrus notes. The Mangaro plantation, located in the northwest of the island of Madagascar in Africa, thrives in the rich valley of the Sambirano River. The cocoa derives its aromatic characteristics in part from the tropical climate tempered by the maritime influences of the Indian Ocean. The name of the Mangaro plantation recalls the extensive mango forest that covered the site before cacao trees were planted there.

Discover Cluizel chocolates

world's best chocolate from Denmark

Our chocolatier on TV

He is one of the best chocolate makers in the world. The trained chef makes his award-winning chocolates himself from bean to bar at his factory in Roskilde. Mikkel Friis-Holm visits the cocoa plantations and accompanies the post-harvest. He plays with different fermentations and shows the differences in his chocolates. Can you taste the differences?

View chocolates by Friis-Holm »

Chocolate Tree
Good chocolate made in Scotland

Our chocolatier on TV

German-born Friederike Gower makes her own chocolate together with her husband Alastair in Scotland as well as chocolates. At Chocolate Tree, they place special emphasis on sustainability and organic. The two have already received many awards for their creations. We offer drinking chocolate and bean-to-bar chocolates. You are welcome to try them.

Chocolates from Chocolate Tree »

Unsere Schoko-Events

Welche Stationen durchläuft eine Kakaobohne bis sie in der Chocolaterie zu hochwertigster Schokolade verarbeitet wird ? Bei uns erfahren Sie's - und noch vieles mehr! Wir sind gespannt auf Ihr Urteil, wenn Sie selbst probiert haben.

Erleben Sie die köstlichen Schoko-Events in unserem einzigartigen Schoko-Loft im Helmkehof in Hannover. 

Events entdecken »
Trinkschokolade ist eines der ältesten Getränke der Welt!


Entdecken Sie die köstliche Welt der Trinkschokoladen!

Trinkschokolade ist wohl eines der ältesten Getränke der Welt.
Die Azteken bereiteten den Xocolatl Trank mit zermahlenen Kakaobohnen und Gewürzen wie Zimt und Chili und Wasser zu. Erst Christopher Kolumbus und andere Spanier, die ihm folgten, brachten Kühe und damit Milch in die neue Welt mit. 

Um den Kakao mit Schaum servieren zu können, nutzten sie einen Molinillo, einen Holzquirl mit runden Holzscheiben. Der Quirl wird zwischen beiden Händen hin und her gerollt und die Schokolade aufgeschäumt. Sie wird dann aus dem Krug in die Tassen umgefüllt und heiß getrunken.

Jetzt Trinkschokoladen entdecken »
Die am besten bewerteten Schokoladen finden Ihren Weg in die Schupp Liste

Die Schupp-Liste der besten Schokoladen der Welt

Sie ist die deutsche Schokoladen-Som­me­li­è­re und u.a. „Grand Juror“ der „International Chocolate Awards“ und prüft Jahr für Jahr die deutsche, europäische und weltweite Schokoladenlandschaft.

Die besten Schokoladen der Welt finden dann den Weg in die SCHUPP LISTE, dem wichtigsten Schokoführer Deutschlands und Europas.


Zur Schupp-Liste »
Michaela Schupp

International Chocolate Awards - European Bean-to-Bar

Guatemala Rio Dulce - 70% Fine dark Chocolate Guatemala Rio Dulce - 70% Fine dark Chocolate
Content 0.06 kg (€190.00 * / 1 kg)
€11.40 *
Laura 45% Dark Milk Chocolate Laura 45% Dark Milk Chocolate
Content 100 g (€129.00 * / 1 kg)
€12.90 *
Piura 72% - chocolate made from fine Peruvian cocoa
Content 0.07 kg (€180.00 * / 1 kg)
€12.60 *
Jeneverbes St Vincent 55% milk chocolate with juniper berries
Content 0.08 kg (€98.75 * / 1 kg)
€7.90 *
Sea Salt Buccoo Reef - 45% milk chocolate with salt
Content 100 g (€129.00 * / 1 kg)
€12.90 *
White 40% organic white chocolate
Content 0.1 kg (€125.00 * / 1 kg)
€12.50 *
75% Madagascar Dark Chocolate ORGANIC
Content 0.05 kg (€110.00 * / 1 kg)
€5.50 *
Don Alfonso 70% dark chocolate
Single Farm Bean-To-Bar Chocolate
Content 0.1 kg (€125.00 * / 1 kg)
€12.50 *
Inti - 70% dark chocolate from Chuncho fine cocoa from Vraem Inti - 70% dark chocolate from Chuncho fine cocoa from Vraem
Content 0.07 kg (€141.43 * / 1 kg)
€9.90 *
The best Bean-To-Bar chocolates 2021-22
€105.00 *
The best Bean-To-Bar chocolates 2021-22
International Chocolate Awards - European Bean-To-Bar
€131.10 *
Chanchamayo Peru 40% white Chocolate
Content 0.1 kg (€89.00 * / 1 kg)
€8.90 *
"Lawley's Rum" Special Reserve 77% dark chocolate with rum "Lawley's Rum" Special Reserve 77% dark chocolate with rum
Content 55 g (€452.73 * / 1 kg)
€24.90 *
Ucayali 70% dark chocolate from Peru Ucayali 70% dark chocolate from Peru
Content 55 g (€361.82 * / 1 kg)
€19.90 *
Ecuador "Esmeraldas" 70% dark chocolate
Content 55 g (€361.82 * / 1 kg)
€19.90 *
"Putnam Rye Whiskey" Special Reserve 77% dark chocolate with whisky "Putnam Rye Whiskey" Special Reserve 77% dark chocolate with whisky
Content 55 g (€452.73 * / 1 kg)
€24.90 *
More than just chocolate

Delicatessen at Chocolats-de-luxe.com

Safe and relaxed shopping Your advantages at Chocolats-de-Luxe.com
  • Huge selection of products
  • No minimum order value
  • Free shipping from 60,- € (DE)
  • Fast delivery via DHL
  • Worldwide shipping available
  • Recommended in Feinschmecker magazine
  • Varied payment options
  • Warehouse Outlet in Hannover
  • Over 15 years of experience
  • SEPA
  • Klarna
  • Paypal
  • Visa
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  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Maestro
  • Apple Pay
  • iDEAL
  • Bancontact
  • DHL
Info and news about chocolate

Our chocolate blog

MIchaela Schupp | 17. Mai 2021 Bean to Bar chocolate: sustainable TOP enjoyment from a single source

Do chocolate fans around you rave about Bean to Bar chocolate? Here you can find out the good reasons why Bean to Bar chocolate is the crème de la crème of chocolates - with a uniquely good bean-to-bar taste that you should definitely treat yourself to.

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Michaela Schupp | 20. April 2021 Tree-to-bar: High-end chocolate quality for indulgence with a clear conscience

Hot trend tree-to-bar chocolate? Of course, because logical quality from cultivation to production will also convince you! Here you can find out everything about the cultivation and production that guarantee dreamlike top quality right down to each individual bar of chocolate at Tree to bar.

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Michaela Schupp | 30. Juli 2021 What is good chocolate?

Good chocolate is simply a delight. I'm not talking about industrially produced mass-produced goods here, which some people would also declare to be a treat. Probably for the simple reason that he or she has never tasted really good chocolate, I maintain. This good chocolate is what I mean. It is mostly produced by smaller companies.

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Michaela Schupp | 13 October 2021 5 tips for good chocolate

Chocolate is relatively sensitive and must therefore be stored properly. For one thing, cocoa butter as a fat carries flavour and should not be stored next to or in smelly boxes or furniture. So the spice cupboard should not be chosen for storing chocolate, nor should chocolate be stored next to intensely smelling food, perfume, varnish or other fragrances.

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Willkommen bei chocolats-de-luxe.de

Ihr online Schokoladenversand aus Hannover.

Der Schokoladen-Onlineshop ist die erste Adresse für Gourmets und Genießer, mit vermutlich Europas größtem Online-Handel für feinste Schokolade. Hier finden Sie die besten Schokoladen und Chocolatiers der Welt mit ihren handwerklich hergestellten Kreationen, die Sie in keinem Supermarktregal finden.

Es ist die Liebe zur Schokolade, die Michaela Schupp vor 15 Jahren auf die Idee gebracht hat, eine Internetseite mit den besten Schokoladen der Welt zu gründen. Sie hat Ihre Leidenschaft für erlesene Kakaokreationen zur Berufung gemacht. Michaela Schupp ist Geschäfsführerin von chocolats-de-luxe.de und immer auf der Suche nach neuen Chocolatiers und den besten Schokoladen der Welt. Sie ist die deutsche Schokoladen-Som­me­li­è­re und u.a. „Grand Juror“ der „International Chocolate Awards“ und prüft Jahr für Jahr die deutsche, europäische und weltweite Schokoladenlandschaft auf Qualität und Güte.
Die besten Schokoladen der Welt finden dann den Weg in die SCHUPP LISTE, dem wichtigsten Schokoführer Deutschlands und Europas.

Wir wollen Ihnen die Kreationen der besten Chocolatiers der Welt näher bringen und Sie genau das machen, was Schokolade uns macht: glücklich. Deswegen führen wir inzwischen nicht nur Schokoladen von rund 50 Chocolatiers aus mehr als 18 Ländern, sondern bieten auch Schokoladenverkostungen und einen Geschenkservice für private und Firmenkunden an. Als Herrscherin über jede Tafel und Schachtel kümmert sie und ihre Kollegen sich um die gesamte Abwicklung im Lager und Versand.

Als Empfänger unseres SchokoABOs lernen Sie die ausgefallenen Kreationen unserer Chocolatiers genau kennen - mit ausführlichen Informationen dazu. Selbstverständlich können Sie das Abonnement (3-12 Monate) auch verschenken. Unser Geschäft befindet sich laufend im Ausbau. Wir haben ständig neue Ideen und neue Chocolatiers, die wir Ihnen gerne vorstellen möchten. Es lohnt sich also immer, einen Blick bei uns rein zu werfen.

Möchten Sie jetzt gerne mehr über uns, unsere Schokoladen oder unseren Geschenkservice wissen? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.
Rufen Sie uns unter Tel +49-(0)511-78 09 43 70 an oder schreiben Sie uns eine E-mail an: info(@)chocolats-de-luxe.de

I would like to thank you for the good service and the great delivery. The parcel arrived very quickly and the goods were very well packed and still intact despite the current temperatures. Thank you very much!

Tim P. Satisfied customer

I received my order today. I am very impressed with your ability to ship chocolate safely and at the speed of light, so to speak. My compliments on your service and many thanks.

Barbara G. Satisfied customer

Our order arrived yesterday and we are delighted with the way it was packaged. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your care.

Beate S. Satisfied customer

Super - your consignment has just arrived. Even with a cold pack. I'm impressed - thank you very much!

Barbara K. Satisfied customer

I would like to give you a big thumbs up for the products or assortments. It's always nice to try out the good stuff. Quality and quantity are top.... keep it up.

Angela G. Satisfied customer

The chocolates I ordered yesterday arrived today. I would like to thank you for this great service and the fast delivery and will continue to order from you with pleasure.

Andreas P. Satisfied customer

Thank you very much, your shipment has arrived. The delicious chocolates with their brilliant flavours are the highlight of the day for my taste buds ;)

Johanna Ute H. Satisfied customer

Thank you very much for the great and fast customer service, which is something we are no longer used to from companies! High praise from my side. Kind regards

Holly W. Satisfied customer

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent service and the reliability of your online shop. I order very little over the internet but the chocolate has to be there. I'm glad I found you. Also the careful packaging. We have experienced other things. Keep up the good work, we will remain loyal to you!

Rita F. Satisfied customer

I hate you guys. Really now. The chocolate has arrived - been waiting and jittering and rejoicing since the end of last week. just fished it out of the packing station. My God, it's DELICIOUS!!!! You guys are so mean.
Many, many MANY thanks !!! And a special thank you for the little yummy extra. Nice that you exist

Meike S. Satisfied customer

Thank you very much for the incredibly fast processing of my order. Less than 24 hours after clicking on the order, happiness arrived in the parcel ;-) Chocoholics can't go into withdrawal at this rate! I will contact you again ! With satisfied greetings

Viola J. Satisfied customer

That was a super turbo delivery !
I would also like to congratulate you on your great chocolate shop. I have been on the "chocolate trip" for many years, but I have never found so many different high-quality and interesting chocolates as with you. And every time I order, I discover something new and delicious. You are definitely the benchmark when it comes to chocolates - keep up the good work!

Axel B. Satisfied customer

My orders are always processed reliably and quickly. The goods are also lovingly packed in tissue paper, so that even unpacking them is a pleasure. I am happy to recommend you!

Klaus W. Satisfied customer
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